
Basically, all INTERNET users, like business, money, entertainment, and friendship.

Basically, all INTERNET users, like business, money, entertainment, and friendship.
That's why, Wazzub Community future, must be able to answer, easily and quickly, above all the internet users hobby.
PI Stars Icons, icons and other social media, you should always appear, especially in the chatroom page Wazzub International, which is open to all members of Wazzub / PI.

Brief overview, about Wazzub future, could be developed, with reference to a simple concept, in the third picture

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Picture : 1 (alternative) NEW 12 Agst 2014 

Picture : 1 New (3/8/14)

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Picture Alternative : 2  (8/8/14)

To view the image in a larger size, please CLICK on the IMAGE below

Picture : 3 New (8/8/14)

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Picture : 2 New ( 8/8/14 )

Dear Member Wazzub / PI- companions around the world, Wednesday, July 16, 2014, while waiting to break the fast, for Muslims in Indonesia, ahead at 18:00, West Indonesia time, I got a picture of a simple concept, for our dreams, for the improvement of our Wazzub Community. Congratulations, Success, and a greeting of peace for all Mankind.

Sahabat Member Wazzub/PI- diseluruh dunia , Rabu, 16 Juli 2014 , sambil menunggu berbuka puasa , bagi umat Islam di Indonesia, menjelang jam 18:00 , waktu Indonesia Barat , saya punya gambar konsep sederhana, untuk mimpi kita , bagi peningkatan Komunitas Wazzub kita. Selamat , Sukses ,  dan salam damai bagi segenap Umat Manusia.

8 komentar:

  1. Красивый дизайн

  2. wew...keren dan inovatif pak....sip2

  3. mantap pak kukuh ide-idenya sangat luar biasa. terima kasih.

    1. OK Mas Toni , smoga sukses segera kita raih bersama. Amin

    2. Webnya Bagus sekali Pak Kukuh =>pantas juara di Top Skor PSM leader
      =>Simon M

    3. Maturnuwun Mas Simon , sampeyan kan juga punya web bagus toh? Kasih LINK-nya ke kita donk... biar kita bisa sharing
